Hacking 4 Justice volunteer Trainers and Coaches come from many different backgrounds and industries. Some are even past H4J students! By enlisting the help of working industry professionals, we can ensure that H4J students are consistently exposed to state-of-the-art tools and best practices; it also means H4J can focus our resources directly on training events.

Join the H4J teaching community!

Neither data science nor criminal justice is always known for inclusivity or accessibility. H4J is committed to actively changing that status quo and creating a welcoming space for all learners. That starts with enlisting the help of Trainers and Coaches who reflect the whole Cook County community and share our progressive values. It also means that – starting in 2020 – H4J pays generous stipends to all Trainers and Coaches.

If you have expertise to share and you’re interested in joining the H4J community, please use this form to share some basic info about yourself, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Alternatively, if you have questions about the Trainer/Coach experience or anything else to share, feel free to get in touch by email at info@hacking4justice.org!